Bringing Together What Wants To Come Apart
Bringing Together What Wants to Come Apart is an ongoing collaboration between invited guests (and ocassionally passersby) who share readings at various venues. This hybrid performance and workshop gathering comprises readings, writings, and thoughts about divisiveness and how it pertains to individual reflection.
The gathering has taken place at different venues: at The Art Institute of Chicago during the 2017 exhibition, Revoliutsiia! Demonstratsiia! Soviet Art Put to the Test, and most recently at Weinberg/Newton Gallery during the 2018 group exhibition, The Tip of My Tongue.
Gatherings last for one hour, wherein invited guests take turns presenting a reading. Each chosen entry was found or written by the presenter and selected for personal reasons. Guests are asked to respond to each others’ reading on a sheet of paper, and at the end of the readings, are collected to eventually be bound into a book.
Venues for these gatherings may be proposed by the public to present new iterations of the original collaboration.

A student enrolled in teen courses at the National Veterans Art Museum contributes a reading to the gathering held at Weinberg/Newton Gallery